The Songs of the Finnish Kaale, JJVCD-76, EAN 6420617450809
10,95 €
Field recordings among Finnish Roma in 1995-2009
by Kai Åberg & Risto Blomster
The most important element of the Finnish Roma, Kale’s culture in Finland is its authentic folklore, the particularities of which contribute in large part to the enrichment of national culture. “Gypsy folklore” has continued as a living tradition and retained its natural traditional form. On the other hand, it has constantly changed, developed and created new forms. Music has always played a central role in the cultural heritage of the Finnish Roma, Kale population. The singing has been important for Roma people, especially since many were illiterate and oral song tradition was the only way of preserving the old stories and handing them on to generations to come. Even today, songs, and particularity the old folk songs, are still an important expression of Roma’s identity.
Traditionally, two types of Roma music-making are known in Finland as elsewhere in Europe. One is musical service for outsiders (religious music, dance music or popularized ethnic Roma music) – that is mainly, for non-Roma audiences – and the other is folk music for the small-scale community. The aim of the present album is to give voice to the Finnish traditional Roma music, Kale songs. Singing about honour, the family, love, horse-trading, prison and travelling, they have passed their songs on orally from generation to generation. In this album it is possible to hear lively singing style of Finish Roma music. Authentic Roma music must be examined in its natural surrounding of Roma communities where the music is interpreted stripped bare of any arrangement for audiences. All music in this album has been recorded in Northern Karelia, eastern part of Finland between the years 1995 – 2009 by Ph.D Kai Åberg. In that time Åberg made a several trips to the Roma community and about 900 Roma songs were recorded, among them many religious as well as popular songs, and instrumental performances played on the guitar. The aim of this album is to give a comprehensive picture of both the old and new style Roma songs, and ways of performance.
1) ”Kun oi, oi, oi mitä minä näin, kun näin minä unissani”
2) ”Riemuista pois on hetki tuo”
3) ”Kun Alatalon mimmi siellä keltaisessa pytingissä”
4) ”Kun olen tyttö vieraan maan”
5) ”Se oli sateinen sunnuntaiaamu”
6) ”Käykää mun kanssani taloon synkeään”
7) ”Kun Ylätalon, Alatalon mäellä”
8) ”Salon hongathan ne humajaa”
9) ”Kutujensa, kamajensa”
10) ”Kengitä sä poika”
11) ”Kun tulevaa kohtaloain”
12) ”Ruuna se juosta roikottellee”
13) ”Vaalea neito ja tummat kiharat”
14) ”Merille, oipa merille”
15) ”Kengitäpäs poika/Kun voi jos voisin päästä minä”
16) ”Ei loista kuu, ei loista hopeainen”
17) ”Valakosten hevosien kavioiden alta”
Feija Grönfors
(laulut 1 ja 4)
Aino Nikkinen
(laulut 2 ja 5)
Urpo Nyman
(laulut 3 ja 6)
Harri Nyman
(laulut 7 ja 12)
Kalle Allan Bollström
(laulut 8 ja 10)
Seppo fon Palm
(laulut 9 ja 11)
Harri ja Saska Nyman
(laulu 13)
Jari ja Leif Sinitaivas
(laulut 14,15,16 ja 17)